Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Scarlet Letter In A Nutshell

Chapter 1: Within chapter one, not much happens. Sure they take about how a bunch of dreary looking people are standing in front of a prison, but not much more than this happens. The narrator goes into slight detail about how even though those who founded this colony believed that those who lived here would be nice people, one of the first institutions they build was... that's right you guessed it a prison. What else did they built to compliment this prison, what else but a magnificent graveyard. Actually it was probably just a large plot of empty land that they buried people in, not much more than that, then again, isn't that what all cemeteries are. The only interesting thing within those whole chapter was the rosebush. Yeah you heard me a mundane rosebush. It was the only thing that didn't make me feel like keeling over and dying.

Chapter 2:  Alright so this chapter is much more interesting than the first, not that, that's saying much. So as this chapter begin to unravel, a woman appears from said prison, holding a small child. This woman apparently was engages in adultery, and because of this she is going to be executed. Apparently the only things that can get these people going, is the murder of someone, because as soon as she begins to walk out onto the raised platform, with a A stitched across her chest for Adulterer, they being to scream and cheer. They want to see her die, or perhaps, they feel as though its better they die than her, either way, they are detestable, and they are far worse than this woman, at least in my opinion. As she walks onto this platform she sees some figure that she has, i believe, seen before, but can't quite place him. She holds her child, and begins to squeeze him, causing him to cry out in pain, as she stands there, not willing to believe what is happening to her.

Chapter 3: Well apparently i was wrong before. She wasn't set up to be executed, but was only set to be forced to stand on this scaffold for 3 hours, as well as having to were this embroidered A on her for the rest of her life. I guess that makes it a bit better. Nonetheless, a man who Hester identifies as her husband appears, and he makes it clear that she should NOT blow his cover, or make any gestures that would make it seems as though they know each other. He casually asks who the person on the scaffold is, as though he doesn't know, and is told who she is and her crimes. skipping the boring explanation about how her husband left her in the new world, a pastor begins a sermon on sin, and afterwards leads Hester back into... yeah that's right back into jail, after insulting her and saying her child will never have an earthly father that is.


  1. Bilal, this is a good beginning, but stay away from plot summary and continue your engagement with the text. Try to pick out specific quotes and make stronger personal connections.

  2. Thank goodness I wasn't the only one that thought Hester was about to be murdered! It seemed as though everyone else just read the chapter and knew she wasn't going to die. You added many details that were nice, but only a few inner thoughts. Everyone wrote about how the first chapter was awful. I read it a good five times trying to see the chapter's significance. I can tell you REALLY don't like the book so far. Your last sentence about chapter one explains it all. lol
